Ages and Stages

Though Hayden has proven to be a very well behaved 3 year old boy comparable to many others, I have found 2 things that drive me absolutely insane during this age/phase:

1. Selective hearing.
2. The nap transition.

Now, understanding that I grew up in a household of men, selective hearing is far from a foreign concept. What is shocking to me is how young the trait seems to set in. Is it a learned behavior or is it innate among men? Hmmm. I find myself either saying things (literally) 10 times before raising my voice to an octave that I’d rather not become accustomed OR simply begin with the higher octave and get the point across immediately. I did not grow up in a household where yelling was accepted NOR will I submit my family to it on a regular basis. However, I am running out of options. Time out does not seem to work…though we are trying various versions of it from time to time. Spanking is not something we care to resort to on every occasion – though on some it has been necessary. Rewards have not proven useful as of yet…the concept isn’t quite sinking in at this age. And ignoring a behavior is only enabling him. What is a parent to do?

We are also struggling with the inevitable nap transition. Hayden does would prefer not to take a nap in the afternoon at this point. However, I would prefer him to…John would prefer him to…and our collective sanity would prefer him to. Does this seem to sink in with him? Absolutely not. He is at the stage where he can go without a nap and be fairly tolerable. However, by the end of the day he reaches a state of overtiredness that is usually unbearable and it tends to keep him up that much longer. Why the heck does he fight it so much? My mom suggested doing the whole “quiet time” thing. Doesn’t work. Not on this kid.

Needless to say, I am trying to find some peace of mind in these transitional stages that every child goes through. I just wish the books were as easy to follow as they are to read and relate to.

Hanging onto my sanity a few hours at a time…..

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